It's a Boy, Or is It? How to Determine the Sex of Your Baby

Fortunately, you will not have to wait to find out the sex of your unborn child. These days, there are various ways to find out whether you will have a boy, girl, twins, or triplets. Although, the choice to discover the sex of your child is completely optional. Some parents prefer to take the old-fashioned route and find out on the due date. However, other parents prefer to know ahead of time so that they can begin preparing the nursery, choosing names, and also for other personal reasons.

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The most common means of determining the sex of your unborn child is by having an ultrasound performed. In order to do this, you must arrange a visit to your prenatal caregiver's office where they can prepare an order form for the necessary procedures to be performed. An ultrasound visit for sex determination usually occurs when a pregnant female is between 18 and 26 weeks. The determination can only be made if the unborn child is in the correct position. There are little to no risks involved with this procedure.

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A less desirable way of determining a child's sex is performed by chorionic villus sampling. This procedure is usually performed between 8 and 11 weeks gestation, and carries with it a lot of risks. People who take this route are usually those who have a high risk of their child developing certain genetic abnormalities. Risks involved include miscarriage, declined amniotic fluid protection, limb deformity, and also false positives.

One of the last ways to determine the sex of an unborn child is by amniocentesis. This particular test is generally performed between 9 and 18 weeks gestation, and carries some risks. The risks involve miscarriage, injury to the fetus, cord, or placenta, premature labor, infection, and rupture of membranes.

Other ways include following the advice of old wives tales. Some people insist that if you are rounder that you'll have a boy, and if you gain weight in only your tummy, that you will have a girl. When it comes down to it, everyone has their own opinion. The one thing that is for sure is that there are ways to determine the sex that have been proven to work. It is ultimately up to you to decide what route to take. Always remember to weigh the pros and cons of the procedure you plan on using. The last thing any parent wants to do is endanger their unborn child.

It's a Boy, Or is It? How to Determine the Sex of Your Baby
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